JIMPIRE https://jimpire.org/ JIMMY INSTITUTE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY PHYSICAL & INTELLECTUAL REHABILITATION & EMPOWERMENT Tue, 25 Jun 2024 03:56:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 How to establish a support structure for children with autism? https://jimpire.org/2024/06/25/how-to-establish-a-support-structure-for-children-with-autism/ Tue, 25 Jun 2024 03:56:00 +0000 https://jimpire.org/?p=7712 The struggles of daily living are real. Many of us have watched our parents work to the bone to provide and in this modern-age where everything is readily-available, we must not allow ourselves to become comfortable when it comes to our children. We must do our duty towards raising children up in the right direction. […]

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The struggles of daily living are real. Many of us have watched our parents work to the bone to provide and in this modern-age where everything is readily-available, we must not allow ourselves to become comfortable when it comes to our children. We must do our duty towards raising children up in the right direction.

When it comes to parents of children with autism, things get slightly more complicated which is why it is necessary to build proper communication between the child and the parent that is based on respect for one another. Yes, the parents have to work to provide for themselves and the family but time must be spared for the child because they are looking for it from you and when they don’t get it, they start to shut down, which leads to distancing between child and parent.

The world out there is getting complicated as the years pass which is why family values must be passed down to the child as there are now innumerable child development centers available to support and assist in the child’s growth, but unless you make the first step, your own child will not get the support they deserve.


As a parent what can you do is:

  • Make time for family-activities.
  • Be a good role-model for the child.
  • Get organized and find a training facility with the time and resources to support the child.
  • Spend quality time with the child as a family.


3 strategies for effective communication between parent and child:

  • Make the time to talk to your child for atleast 15 mins everyday about their activities.
  • Teach them right behaviors not by simply telling them about it, but by being an example for the type of behavior they should emulate.


If you don’t make time for your child, the child will fall into depression, and loneliness, and as they grow up, will grow to resent themselves and the world around them, so ensure you spare time out of your day, no matter your lifestyle, to spend quality time with your children.


👪What your child will learn here at JIMPIRE, is how to handle themselves out in the world, where the parent shall also learn how to be more effective in your approach towards their development thus building your family-unit a future!







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Why physical activity is important for the child’s well-being? https://jimpire.org/2023/10/16/why-physical-activity-is-important-for-the-childs-well-being/ Mon, 16 Oct 2023 05:15:54 +0000 https://jimpire.org/?p=7700 Why physical activity is important for the child’s well-being? What happens when we play a sport or involve ourselves in an activity that requires a lot of physical strain? Naturally, we become tired!  In children, this is a good thing, all the excessive  and pent-up energy within them can be  cleansed  away in play and  […]

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Why physical activity is important for the child’s well-being?

What happens when we play a sport or involve ourselves in an activity that requires a lot of physical strain?

Naturally, we become tired!

 In children, this is a good thing, all the excessive  and pent-up energy within them can be  cleansed  away in play and  sport and  their frustrations   can be let go into that activity whether it be exercise,  games or any  other form of physical activity.     These physical activities  will only aid in their learning process and will teach children interaction,communication and the necessary social skills as they associate themselves with children of their own age.

⭐Pro-Tip: It works the same in adults, only the adults don’t realize that Regular-Exercise can raise the dopamine levels in the body thus raising the happiness quotient.

Advanced Benefits of OUTDOOR play:

⦁ Enhancement of cardio-respiratory systems.
⦁ Strengthens bones and muscles.
⦁ Clears anxiety and depression.
⦁ Enhancement in motor-function and co-ordination.
⦁ Enhancement of mind-set through reduction of excessive weight.

Technology may have grown beyond limits, and attempting to restrain the child from using Android or gaming devices are a waste of time. Instead, Encourage them to get out and play, by you leading their way as a mentor. Unless you as the parent, or the Teacher do not show them what works and what doesn’t, it is of no use blaming children for losing themselves within the artificial world of social media and computer games.

Parks, game courts, trees swaying in the evening breeze; this generation is missing out! Without connecting with the great outdoors, children will end up stuck on their electronic devices and the natural effects of this will be anxiety, depression and various mood disorders because of a lack of direct social interactions.

Empirical evidence states that overuse of social-media and smartphone usage has resulted in increased mental distress amongst the growing youth which is seeping into their academic performance and socio-emotional functioning.

We are not denying the importance of academia, but at JIMPIRE, we believe that by taking care of the mental well-being of the child, all aspects of his/her development will be enhanced, for only a good-mindset can go on to ACHIEVE a good future that is balanced between play and work.


    ✅Change is in your hands!


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Learning disabilities in children and its impact on their Education https://jimpire.org/2023/07/14/learning-disabilities-in-children-and-its-impact-on-their-education/ Fri, 14 Jul 2023 09:23:27 +0000 https://jimpire.org/?p=7285 Learning disabilities in children and its impact on their Education Teacher: Name some famous personalities with learning disabilities? Student: Let’s see, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison. Teacher: What does that tell you? Children with learning disabilities are often gifted with reasonable competence and intelligence,  it’s just that they are unable to learn in […]

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Learning disabilities in children and its impact on their Education

Teacher: Name some famous personalities with learning disabilities?

Student: Let’s see, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison.

Teacher: What does that tell you?

Children with learning disabilities are often gifted with reasonable competence and intelligence,  it’s just that they are unable to learn in the same manner as the rest of their peers and may have specific learning difficulties in the basic psychological processes involved in speech, reading, writing or spelling, understanding or remembering information and often-times in co-ordination and mathematical calculations.

It is not that they lack intelligence or are lazy, it just that their brains are wired differently and this difference affects how they receive and process information.

When the child is unable to comprehend a topic or subject even after many repetitions we must understand that the learning needs of the child are different hence requiring a different methodology of understanding and retention.

What are some Early signs of a Learning disability or disorder?

  • Difficulty in focusing.
  • Delayed speech and language development.
  • Difficulty in fine and gross motor skill development.
  • Low self-esteem and lack of social skills.
  • Difficulty in understanding basic learning concepts and remembering words or numbers.

The different types of Learning disabilities that JIMPIRE tends to:

  • Dyslexia– Characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. About 80% of all children identified as learning disabled are referred for special education because of reading problems.
  • Dysgraphia– The child’s capacity to spell or write is impacted. In children, the disorder generally emerges when they are first introduced to writing. They make inappropriately sized and spaced letters, or write wrong or misspelled words, despite thorough instruction.
  • Dyscalculia– The child’s ability to comprehend numbers, tell time and perform basic math is impacted. Numerical reasoning and calculation pose major problems for many students with learning disabilities. Deficits in retrieving number facts and solving story problems are particularly evident.

What are the Major Causes of learning disabilities?

  • Genetic or environmental factors that affect the learning centers of the brain.
  • Inadequate brain development due to premature birth, low oxygen supply or malnutrition.
  • Drug or alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
  • Physical/Psychological Trauma or brain injuries.

Children with Learning disabilities may also exhibit other conditions such as:

  • Anxiety disorders.
  • Behaviour and Emotional difficulties.
  • Sleep disturbances/disorders.

Watch this short video about how the right teaching methods can bring out the talent and ability inherent within each child: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL9M9bTVk2w

Therapies used at JIMPIRE for the treatment of Learning Disabilities:

Scientific assessments and evaluation will determine the nature of the disability. Before therapy and training, the required analysis will be conducted to understand the underlying issue and the right form of therapy will be recommended by the trainer which could include:

  • Special Education.
  • Behaviour Therapy.
  • Speech Therapy.

Parenting Tips for children with Learning disabilities:

  1. Homeschooling, special schools and special tutoring programs will provide the child with the necessary knowledge and education that will support them in their learning and development.
  2. Learning aids such as internet videos, activity books, toys and games are readily available and these will prove to be useful learning equipment.
  3. Children with disabilities have a hard time comprehending certain things and it will require patience and consistency from the parent and in time with dedicated practice, small milestones can be achieved.
  4. If your behaviour and attitude as the parent is negative or dismissive, your children will pick up on your behaviour and model this same behaviour accordingly as children tend to learn from their parents, so it is important to have a positive attitude and be a role-model towards your child.
  5. Find support groups in your town or city.

Watch this Video about how anxiety disorders within the child are caused by constant mistreatment rather than the disability: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-Eycme4NFM

Ask any child and they will tell you that learning is hard. The child with a learning disability will have to work twice as hard but his ability to work, learn and explore also increases with it. Children like to learn through play, colours, drawing or through stories and imitations, and it is through these modalities of learning that the child will find his/her own path towards learning, understanding and development.

It is for this purpose has been set up JIMPIRE, to take Therapeutic services to the next level and impart the skills needed for the child’s welfare and overall development!

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JIMPIRE: Together Towards Transition https://jimpire.org/2023/05/02/jimpire-together-towards-transition/ Tue, 02 May 2023 05:31:25 +0000 https://jimpire.org/?p=6660   On May2nd, 6pm, 2023, a new vision was launched by Fr. Sebastian Punassery and Team led by Dr. George Padanilam, whose efforts have propelled forward the mission of providing special-needs-children with the necessary training which will assist them in moving forward with confidence. The spirit of the evening began as Bishop. Mar Thomas Tharayil, […]

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On May2nd, 6pm, 2023, a new vision was launched by Fr. Sebastian Punassery and Team led by Dr. George Padanilam, whose efforts have propelled forward the mission of providing special-needs-children with the necessary training which will assist them in moving forward with confidence.

The spirit of the evening began as Bishop. Mar Thomas Tharayil, Fr. Sebastian Punassery and Dr. George Padanilam embraced the public with their salutatory speech emphasizing the need to view children with developmental disorders, not as a bondage but as a blessing whose struggles can be overcome with the necessary training and work.

JimPire was also entrusted with the presence of Minister V.N. Vasavan who inaugurated the establishment and MLA. Job Michael who embodied the key-note address for the evening.

Along with the lead and CEO of Jimpire, Mr. Cifin Paul Joseph, we were graced with the presence of Mr. HariKumar Koikal, Mr.Girish Konat, Mr.James Kunnath and Mrs. Sheela Thomas who very ably facilitated and worked in close association with the organization.

Jimpire conveys its gratitude for the blessings and encouragement of the public, staff members and every individual associated with the organization.

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Archbishop. Mar Joseph Perumthottam led the blessing of the organization (JimPire) https://jimpire.org/2023/05/01/archbishop-mar-joseph-perumthottam-led-the-blessing-of-the-organization-jimpire/ Mon, 01 May 2023 05:45:19 +0000 https://jimpire.org/?p=6664 Archbishop. Mar Joseph Perumthottam led the blessing of the organization (JimPire) on May 1st emphasizing the power of providence that is to work within this facility and over its members.

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Archbishop. Mar Joseph Perumthottam led the blessing of the organization (JimPire) on May 1st emphasizing the power of providence that is to work within this facility and over its members.

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The brand-logo launch of JIMPIRE https://jimpire.org/2023/04/28/the-brand-logo-launch-of-jimpire/ Fri, 28 Apr 2023 09:21:06 +0000 https://jimpire.org/?p=6887 The brand-logo launch of JIMPIRE was held on April 28th initiated by Minister. Saji Cherian which was facilitated by Director Fr. Sebastian Punassery, Dr. George Padanilam and CEO. Cifin Paul Joseph.

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The brand-logo launch of JIMPIRE was held on April 28th initiated by Minister. Saji Cherian which was facilitated by Director Fr. Sebastian Punassery, Dr. George Padanilam and CEO. Cifin Paul Joseph.

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