Importance of Occupational Therapy and its role on the growth of the child

Children are molded towards a certain direction in the early years of their childhood, where their cognitive, physical and social development starts to develop and take root. Certain issues stem up during these periods that hinder their development and restrict their growth and progress. There could be issues related to sensory processing, lack of fine and gross motor skills which could lead to loss of morale and self-confidence as they grow up, which is where Occupational Therapy comes into play.


Daily living tasks such as locomotion, stability or balance are normal to every growing child, but to those who have certain conditions, this is not the case, and the child gets highly aggravated and emotionally imbalanced as he/she is unable to perform the most basic tasks. Occupational Therapy bridges this gap, as children learn through regular training, on how to utilize their basic faculties to carry out their daily tasks. A thorough analysis of the child is undertaken in order to understand the condition, so that the Therapy provides the maximum benefit for the child.



Advantages of Occupational Therapy

  1. Enhances gross and fine motor skills.
  2. Independence in daily living activities.
  3. Enhances core and posture strength.
  4. Improves overall strength and stability.
  5. Enhances visual motor/ perceptual skills.


Children at a young age are equipped to learn new skills, and even with cases such as Autism or Down Syndrome, Occupational Therapy has demonstrated that through regular training, effective changes are possible.

Sensory integration activities, coordination activities, visual-perception activities, fine and gross motor skill activities that requires the participation of certain parts of the body or the full-body, are utilized to train up the child, so that through these multiple activities, certain muscles and joints can be engaged and through regular training, these muscles, joints and tendons start to strengthen, thus bringing the necessary results for the welfare and well-being of the child.



At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)