The need for Intervention and the Necessity of Special Education

Inclusion is the key word of today but inclusion must be done in the right way! Taking a child with learning disabilities and placing him/her in an institute where the educational approach only puts them out of place is a waste of time and takes a toll on the mental health of the child, don’t you think?


It isn’t the fault of the educator for not recognizing that a child has a learning disability, for he/she is not a psychologist/therapist, but yes, by keeping a close watch on each child which is extremely difficult for any teacher, they will be able to help or assist them in whatever form or way they can.


Every child has the right to a complete education, whether they may have disabilities or not. This is where special education comes in to play, where children after diagnosis for any disabilities can be taught in a manner and approach that they require rather than what is generally followed. No matter what disabilities children have difficulties with, as special educators we are able to re-train and model them into a process of study that they are able to understand, so when society puts them down for their disabilities, as a parent, think once, if the dark voices of society is what you want to listen to, or do you want to support your child break out of the condition he/she has been placed into by no fault of their own?



The many advantages of Special Education:

  • Helps children focus on their challenges to find solutions.
  • Builds confidence and shifts negative-behavior patterns.
  • Re-building positive self-talk through encouragement and reinforcement.
  • Assist parents in understanding their child’s disability and support them in participating in the education of their child.
  • Assists in creating the right educational program for the child.
  • Builds communication and social competence through interaction with peers.



As teachers and educators, we must apply what we have studied to genuinely assist children to learn and grow. Many of the issues of this world can be healed and changed because good thoughts and good habits start in the classroom, which is why Teachers are always of high value and someone children look upto.


We all need an intervention once in a while, parent or educator, so that we are able to improve upon our own selves which gives us more understanding on how to lead todays’ children in the right direction and it is up to each one of us to consistently work towards their future and the first step to that, is by being a good role-model for them.


Changes around you can only begin with you!



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)