How to establish a support structure for children with autism?

The struggles of daily living are real. Many of us have watched our parents work to the bone to provide and in this modern-age where everything is readily-available, we must not allow ourselves to become comfortable when it comes to our children. We must do our duty towards raising children up in the right direction.

When it comes to parents of children with autism, things get slightly more complicated which is why it is necessary to build proper communication between the child and the parent that is based on respect for one another. Yes, the parents have to work to provide for themselves and the family but time must be spared for the child because they are looking for it from you and when they don’t get it, they start to shut down, which leads to distancing between child and parent.

The world out there is getting complicated as the years pass which is why family values must be passed down to the child as there are now innumerable child development centers available to support and assist in the child’s growth, but unless you make the first step, your own child will not get the support they deserve.


As a parent what can you do is:

  • Make time for family-activities.
  • Be a good role-model for the child.
  • Get organized and find a training facility with the time and resources to support the child.
  • Spend quality time with the child as a family.


3 strategies for effective communication between parent and child:

  • Make the time to talk to your child for atleast 15 mins everyday about their activities.
  • Teach them right behaviors not by simply telling them about it, but by being an example for the type of behavior they should emulate.


If you don’t make time for your child, the child will fall into depression, and loneliness, and as they grow up, will grow to resent themselves and the world around them, so ensure you spare time out of your day, no matter your lifestyle, to spend quality time with your children.


👪What your child will learn here at JIMPIRE, is how to handle themselves out in the world, where the parent shall also learn how to be more effective in your approach towards their development thus building your family-unit a future!







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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)