Why physical activity is important for the child’s well-being?

Why physical activity is important for the child’s well-being?

What happens when we play a sport or involve ourselves in an activity that requires a lot of physical strain?

Naturally, we become tired!

 In children, this is a good thing, all the excessive  and pent-up energy within them can be  cleansed  away in play and  sport and  their frustrations   can be let go into that activity whether it be exercise,  games or any  other form of physical activity.     These physical activities  will only aid in their learning process and will teach children interaction,communication and the necessary social skills as they associate themselves with children of their own age.

Pro-Tip: It works the same in adults, only the adults don’t realize that Regular-Exercise can raise the dopamine levels in the body thus raising the happiness quotient.

Advanced Benefits of OUTDOOR play:

⦁ Enhancement of cardio-respiratory systems.
⦁ Strengthens bones and muscles.
⦁ Clears anxiety and depression.
⦁ Enhancement in motor-function and co-ordination.
⦁ Enhancement of mind-set through reduction of excessive weight.

Technology may have grown beyond limits, and attempting to restrain the child from using Android or gaming devices are a waste of time. Instead, Encourage them to get out and play, by you leading their way as a mentor. Unless you as the parent, or the Teacher do not show them what works and what doesn’t, it is of no use blaming children for losing themselves within the artificial world of social media and computer games.

Parks, game courts, trees swaying in the evening breeze; this generation is missing out! Without connecting with the great outdoors, children will end up stuck on their electronic devices and the natural effects of this will be anxiety, depression and various mood disorders because of a lack of direct social interactions.

Empirical evidence states that overuse of social-media and smartphone usage has resulted in increased mental distress amongst the growing youth which is seeping into their academic performance and socio-emotional functioning.

We are not denying the importance of academia, but at JIMPIRE, we believe that by taking care of the mental well-being of the child, all aspects of his/her development will be enhanced, for only a good-mindset can go on to ACHIEVE a good future that is balanced between play and work.


    ✅Change is in your hands!


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)